The Oscars 2020

Here it was on this Monday and in America, it was on last Sunday. There was big news!

First, I’m Korean. To be honest, I’ve never ever thought that a Korean film would get best picture of Oscar. It was awesome to be nominated. Parasite was nominated in 6 fields.

I thought Parasite would get best international film and best original screenplay. It deserved those awards. But best picture and best director? Oh my god, it was epic. I thought 1917 would get those awards because the movie was awarded drama motion picture and director of a motion picture of Golden Globe Awards. And you know, Academy prefers real stories, so I thought 1917 would get them.

Actually I couldn’t watch Parasite gets best original screenplay because I was sleeping. Moreover, it was not possible to watch the broadcast on streaming in South Korea and I don’t watch TV.

By the way, When Bong Joon Ho gives a speech with best director, it was completely touching. “The most personal is the most creative. That quote was from our great Martin Scorsese” It was totally nice.

I think the reason why Parasite could be awarded best picture, best director, best international film and best original screenplay is the difference of lifestyle. The contemporary lifestyle is how people live but not wars. Probably if it was 10 years ago, 1917 could win because there were some battles for years. But now it’s different. And Parasite gave an impression to audience with that lifestyle. So Parasite could win.

Bong Joon Ho and Parasite made a history. I’m so proud to be Korean!

If you haven’t watched Parasite yet, give it a shot! It’s the best picture of The Oscars 2020.

Thank you for reading this post 😊

Have a nice day!

Best Director
Martin Scorsese
Quentin Tarantino
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