Little Women

It has been released recently in South Korea. I watched this film with my mom who read the original.

I think the film was fresh. Even though it shows that present and past scenes are changed back and forth, it was good to watch it and understand the story thanks to the good edit.

This film shows how 4 sisters win through their own dreams. Each of the sisters have each dream. The personalities of them are represented well. One wants to get married and make a family. Another who is the main character wants to be a writer. Another wants to be a pianist. The other wants to be a painter.

There are love stories as well. But as you know, Not all stories work. However, in the end, there’s a big one story.

This film represented well the phases of the times. Especially the costume design was represented well, so it was awarded best costume design of The Oscars.

If you like movies of the drama and romance genre, you should give it a try!

Thank you for reading this post 😊

Have a nice day!

All our lives are a novel.

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