Lady Bird

Spoiler Alert!

First, Lady bird is a name which Kristin, the main character, calls herself. It would mean either that she doesn’t like her own name which is Kristin or that she’s having a sign of adolescence. Probably There’s no love between her and her mother or family.

Like that. You see?

This movie goes along with lady bird, Kristin, going through a period of rebelling that most teenagers undergo.

Like other teenagers, she’s blinded by being in love with a boy while doing a play.

But they end up breaking up. A moment of sorrow, Lady bird, Kristin, is interested in some boy of a band group. She has a best friend but she tries to be friends with a girl who’s a daughter of rich family to talk with the boy whom she’s interested in.

The event casts a shadow on their friendship while Lady bird, Kristin, is playing with the girl. Most of the teenagers experience a crack in their friendship.

In addition, her family is needy. This shows rich and poor gap across America. It’s I got to know while taking sociology lessons. The rich and poor gap in America is severe much more than you think. Life expenses in along with tuition are costly.

There’s some conflict with her and family as usual families have like arguing.

As you see, she doesn’t like the city where she has grown up and she wants to go to the east like New York. Probably she doesn’t know the sensation that she feels while living in another region. So she also doesn’t know how precious family is.

After she has had a period of suffering, she goes to a university which she wanted to go to. Living in another city, she finally realizes how much her mother took care of her. And she doesn’t use lady bird as her name. She also realizes how precious her name, Kristin, is.

This film represented well things which teenagers would experience.

Sometimes we find some things precious when they don’t exist.

Thank you for reading this post 😊

Have a nice day!

Zombieland: double tap

There are a lot of zombie movies like dawn of dead and world war z. Zombie land is a comedy movie with 18 R and zombie.

Did you watch the first one? Because it’s a sequel of it.

I think this sequel is kind of a bit boring probably now that the plot is stale.

And how people who lived for a long time by zombies could be zombies effortlessly? It’s insane.

In general, Zombieland is much better than this sequel. I mean action and plot.

Fun Fact: I didn’t know the meaning of double tap. It means making sure zombies are dead.

Thank you for reading this post 😊

Have a nice day!

Little Women

It has been released recently in South Korea. I watched this film with my mom who read the original.

I think the film was fresh. Even though it shows that present and past scenes are changed back and forth, it was good to watch it and understand the story thanks to the good edit.

This film shows how 4 sisters win through their own dreams. Each of the sisters have each dream. The personalities of them are represented well. One wants to get married and make a family. Another who is the main character wants to be a writer. Another wants to be a pianist. The other wants to be a painter.

There are love stories as well. But as you know, Not all stories work. However, in the end, there’s a big one story.

This film represented well the phases of the times. Especially the costume design was represented well, so it was awarded best costume design of The Oscars.

If you like movies of the drama and romance genre, you should give it a try!

Thank you for reading this post 😊

Have a nice day!

All our lives are a novel.

The Oscars 2020

Here it was on this Monday and in America, it was on last Sunday. There was big news!

First, I’m Korean. To be honest, I’ve never ever thought that a Korean film would get best picture of Oscar. It was awesome to be nominated. Parasite was nominated in 6 fields.

I thought Parasite would get best international film and best original screenplay. It deserved those awards. But best picture and best director? Oh my god, it was epic. I thought 1917 would get those awards because the movie was awarded drama motion picture and director of a motion picture of Golden Globe Awards. And you know, Academy prefers real stories, so I thought 1917 would get them.

Actually I couldn’t watch Parasite gets best original screenplay because I was sleeping. Moreover, it was not possible to watch the broadcast on streaming in South Korea and I don’t watch TV.

By the way, When Bong Joon Ho gives a speech with best director, it was completely touching. “The most personal is the most creative. That quote was from our great Martin Scorsese” It was totally nice.

I think the reason why Parasite could be awarded best picture, best director, best international film and best original screenplay is the difference of lifestyle. The contemporary lifestyle is how people live but not wars. Probably if it was 10 years ago, 1917 could win because there were some battles for years. But now it’s different. And Parasite gave an impression to audience with that lifestyle. So Parasite could win.

Bong Joon Ho and Parasite made a history. I’m so proud to be Korean!

If you haven’t watched Parasite yet, give it a shot! It’s the best picture of The Oscars 2020.

Thank you for reading this post 😊

Have a nice day!

Best Director
Martin Scorsese
Quentin Tarantino
The lights have been turned off
Up Up Up

To all the boys and 2

It’s a Netflix original. The sequel has just been released. I watched the first film before but I didn’t finish it. So I was watching it yesterday and I’ve just finished watching the sequel.

Well there are some Korean things. It was good to let people who are watching these movies know lunar new year day and Korean traditional clothes. People might wonder the scene giving some cash to the sisters. It’s a tradition of lunar new year day. We call it new year’s cash gifts.

The subject how they loves each other was interesting. Pretending to be in relationship is changed to real love. Well, Love is a thing that you can’t expect.

I don’t know they wanted to make both movies or make the sequel because the first film was a success? However, the sequel was good. I think it’s at least better than the first film. They used well stuff they mentioned in the first film.

Like the movie shows, I think loves leave broken hearts.

If you’re searching for some romance movie, give it a try!

Thank you for reading this post 😊

Have a nice day!

Birds of prey

Well, it’s been a while to post something because I didn’t go to cinema in last month.

Actually there was no movie that I wanted to watch. Everything seemed boring.

So, Last week, I watched Birds of prey starring Margot Robbie with my friend. Because of coronavirus, there were few people in the cinema. Well, it was good actually. It was very quiet.

By the way, the movie was quite good. If you like action movies, then you should watch this film. The action scenes were absolutely cool and the plot wasn’t that bad aside from some scene that My friend said why DC always makes something like that? The scene didn’t make senses but the other things like outfits and soundtrack, I liked it.

I heard DC gonna make the sequel but I think it’s better to change the director. It’s just my opinion.

In conclusion, It’s a good movie to kill times. So give it a shot!

Thank you for reading this post 😊

Have a good day!

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

This movie shows that you don’t need to disparage or deny even one’s presence. And at the moment that you escape from miserableness by yourself, you can feel infinite freedom.

The main character has a trauma which is a bad memory. He gets good memories with his friends. Good memories or bad memories are not easily forgotton but It doesn’t matter. This movie shows that the important thing is the present.

Yes, The present is the important thing. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But Today is a gift that is why it is called the present.

The moment I felt I had reached the limit, I could feel I was infinite by watching this movie. And I could cherish this moment.

This movie artistically and beautifully described life of teenage and our lives.

He is quiet and he knows he’s quiet. But he thinks a lot. I could understand because I’m not really talkative and I think a lot.

I’m only talkative when I talk to the person who is my priority.

I recommend you to watch this movie. 😊

Avengers: Endgame(※including spoilers)

Do not read this if you haven’t watched the movie yet!












To begin with , The movie was really awesome and amazing. it’s a collective of MCU’s 11 years period since Ironman released in 2008. If you’re a fan of Marvel, Endgame would be the best among the other 21 movies.

Endgame is a literally touching movie. From the first scene to the last scene, everything is emotional. When ant man met his daughter 5 years later, when Thor met his mother at the past, when Tony met his father at the past, when Natasha and Clint tried to make their own sacrifice and so on. it was so hard to bear the sorrow.

Thanos, the villain of infinity war and endgame, this character is so nice. At infinity war, he has a plausible belief even though it’s weird. And He risked his life to accomplish his task. Finally he accomplished it and died with a decapitated throat by Thor at the front part of endgame. But Thanos who will come from the past is totally different because he saw his future that i mentioned. And he try to change his belief and reinvent the universe. This is a possible situation because his belief was denied in the future by Avengers. The change was good and i liked it. it shows the process of changing from necessary evil to absolute evil.

Actually, i thought Captain America would die by killing Thanos. But it isn’t. When he used Thor’s Mjolnir(the hammer). i expected this by the scene of Avengers 2. He almost lifted it but he wasn’t totally worth for it. Captain America has needed wars because wars are the reason of his existence. But in endgame, He can lift it because he tried to complete the war. this was inspiring and fight scenes with Thanos by using his shield and hammer were really speaking. Above all, When he said ” Avengers, Assemble “, it was awesome and sad at the same time! Lastly ! He had so funny scenes as you know if you’ve watched. those were really funny especially the elevator scene 🙂

Thor’s change was shocking. Maybe you got shocked by watching him as well. i think it’s the power balance by directors ( maybe not ). If it is, it worked well. When Thor met his mom at the past, this scene tried to make me cry. but i didn’t ! Just my eyes got moist. he changed a lot but i hope Asgardians of the Galaxy will be fun 🙂

Iron man oh my god. This movie is for him. By starting MCU with Iron man and finishing with Iron man. ” I am Iron man ” said when he snap with stark gauntlet. This scene is the best ever among whole scenes of marvel’s movies and my eyes turn red at the same time. And when tony says ” i love you 3000 “, this is so impressing. Finally, Tony died as iron man and Captain America lived as Steve. The conflicting situation of them was definitely touching. When iron man died, i really felt good-bye and felt so hurt.

From when i was an elementary school student, until now i’m an university student, i have been so happy to watch Marvel’s all movies. I’m not sure if a movie like Avengers Endgame will be released or not following 10 years.

Love you 3000 !

Zombie Land

It’s around 3 am now so i’m gonna write in a short 🙂

Zombie Land, a movie looking like a comedy, is so good for time killing. There are a few scenes could make you surprised but it doesn’t matter. You can watch this zombie movie even if you’re so easily scared of movies containing zombies.

Maybe, you’d know actors and actresses.


If you want to try a zombie movie but not a horror one

And If you want to watch a comedy

One more plus If you want to kill time with a short movie

Maybe you should give it a shot, this one

After a long time, i focused on watching a movie straight!

Thanks For Reading 🙂